Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mile High Club

Let's face it. Despite all good intentions (see 4 Months Old!), I'm just not getting around to blogging as much as I'd like. Playdates and general near-six-month a.d.d. are keeping me super-busy, so once again, my apologies. The good news is that with such delays, there's always plenty to share. Many debuts this month. Among them, and in no particular order: my first foray into solids, my first Thanksgiving, my first trip to Memphis, and my first flight (Delta #2933, operated by Northwest)

To celebrate, I wore my airplane onesie. My mom was all worried about my ears popping, but I just sucked hard on her boob at takeoff and landing and all was fine. Plus, I met a lovely 4-month old named Sam sitting a row behind me. I understand this is just a warm-up before the grand trip to Australia in March, but, if i may say, I did fantastically well.

My mom had promised to buy the folks sitting next to us some airline cocktails if I acted out. Instead, I charmed the pants off of them, they paid me all kinds of compliments, and I, in turn, saved my mom and dad a few bucks. A win all around.

The only oddity was the unprecedented amount of crap in my diaper mid-flight. My dad had to wipe down the entire bathroom cabin. On both legs. Apparently high altitudes/cabin pressure can do a number on the bowels. Other than that, the travel experience under the new Delta/Northwest merger was far better than I expected.

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