Sunday, March 14, 2010

Giant Playdate

At the risk of sounding bit hyperbolic, I hosted the biggest playdate of my life today. Six babes and six moms total - a veritable pre-school in our living room - and I only slept through half of it. My mom was trying her best to be super planful. And she was so close to being right on track - if it were yesterday. She forgot about that hour we lost today springing forward, and since I'm still operating in primordial time, I woke up an hour later than planned, to 10 people in my house. Just as we were finally settling into standard time.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Heart Sadie('s Ear)


9 Months Old!

Playing Catch-Up

Good heavens! Has it really been a month and a half since my last post? (which means i've turned 8-months AND 9-months since my last entry. YIKES. Note to self: must include retroactive post of 9-month celebratory picnic at the Tot Lot.) But the truth is, it's not that I'm slack. It's just that I've been utterly consumed every waking moment by any number of the following activities: crawling (up a storm - and fast!), babbling in multi-syllabic tongue, pulling up, grabbing toys, grabbing hair, grabbing books, eating books, eating paper, rummaging through the recycling, and hunting for any live wire, cord or other hazardous object that I can put in my mouth. It's a wonder I've managed to fit blog updates into the schedule at all.