Forgive me once again, fair readers, for my long absence. I've been insanely busy cruising, climbing walls, exploring electrical sockets, knocking paintings off walls and trying to make my way into the toilet- albeit unsuccessfully. Given my wild curiosity and rapid fire mobility, my parents finally got their act together and hired Baby Bodyguards to childproof our place, which now looks like some sort of nursery-prison hybrid. Now, to complement my myriad toys in the living room, we've got plastic c0vered doorknobs and not-so-tasteful plastic hooks on cabinets. Somewhere there's a market opportunity for an aesthetically-centered babyproofing business. The guy did have the wisdom to instruct my parents to allow me one drawer that's not in lockdown - filled with innocuous things like tupperware. And as you can see, I've made it my home.
Also, I had the great pleasure of seeing my Autie Roosie, Uncle Alex and cousins Hannah and Max. Not to play favorites or anything, but I had an especially fantastic time bonding man to man with Cousin Max, who took great care of me and fed me lots.

Speaking of relatives visiting, in other news, my blog is at the center of controversy again. My mom got quite a bit of flack from some well-meaning (if not overly anxious) relatives this weekend (who shall remain nameless - hint: sounds like "Shmara") for posting an innocent enough photo of me in the shower at 13 months (said photo below). All it did, my mom and I believe, was capture a representative moment in time. And yet there was all kinds of perv talk going on amongst relatives. "In this age, you can't have that up online." Sure, I get that in theory, but here's the way I see it: My entire posse of followers are beloved friends and family, likely NOT connected to any sickos or pedophiles. And with that, I feel pretty safe. That said, if any of you does indeed have any pervy friends who like to lurk online and check out adorable babes in the buff - (or should you yourself BE one of these pervs), please do let me know STAT, and I'll take it down. Until then, enjoy the more modest photos of me at 14 months.
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