At this very moment exactly a year ago, my mom was eating her Ciao Bella ice cream (coffee and chocolate flavors combined) on our living room couch, entertaining an old acquaintance from her nomadic backpacker days who'd blown into town. When she got off her rump to get more ice cream, my dad pointed out in some disbelief: "Uh, Mirmy?" And there it was. A massive water spot on the couch. That's when they had a feeling I was coming early.
And now it all makes so much sense. My mom says I just couldn't wait to enter the world. And that I was living up to my nickname - Mr. Curiosity - before I was even born, all too eager to see what was on the other side... I can't help it, it's just how I roll. And I must say, it's been a pretty amazing ride so far. While there's a lot of hype about the comforts of the womb, and our parents spend a lot of time trying to replicate that sensation (especially those first 3 months), I must tell you, now that I'm older and wiser, life outside is INfinitely cooler. It just is. There's just so much more to do and see - and it's just so much fun to learn and be and grow in the world. Especially when there are so many people showering me with accolades and adoration. What's not to like?
People should really relax about this whole aging thing. I mean, if being one year old is anything like these first 12 months, I can't wait for more!

Jonah -- Happy Birthday cutie pie! You are absolutely right... I should probably stop whining about pushing 40. Cheers to you. I do wish you'd come a year earlier so that we could've have more play dates. But, then again, you wouldn't be you. Much love to you and your mom and dad.