My apologies for the lapse in communication. I was already behind when our cable/phone/Internet went down for almost a week, which made my web-dependent parents go a bit batty (Time Warner be damned). We missed out on all kindsa stuff- including the Bill Clinton/Al Gore reunion in N. Korea.
As for me, gosh, so much has happened... In no particular order:
- I passed the 10-pound mile-marker
- Had my two-month vaccines (i was tough as nails)
- Within five hours of posting to the Park Slope Parents listserve (another group my mom swore she'd never join), got the deal of the century: a brand new(ish) swing - with working mobile!
- Outgrew a bunch of clothes
- As you've probably noticed, I've gotten more chatty
- Started sleeping 7 hrs at night (!!) (I'm told that's a big one)
- Graduated to size 1 swaddlers (mom learned this the hard way when my poop exploded up the back and out the sides of my
shorts at a very fine lunch establishment)
- Too many playdates to count
I'm sure there's more, but those are the biggies.
Oh, and I saw my first movie (Funny People, rated-R, 11 AM screening). Mom and I sat in the way back (I hung out under her hooter-hider) and anytime I made the slightest sound, she just shoved boob in my mouth, and I got more milk! That worked really well for a while, but after getting jacked up on too much dairy, I let a big one rip during the only silent part of the movie. The five other people in the theater turned around and naturally assumed it was my mom - the only person they could see. So I did it again just to screw with everyone.
That’s pretty much what I’ve been up to. Photos of said milestones (and more!) below (and in Older Posts at the way, way bottom).
how come you never talk about your amazing visits with Sujata Auntie? I know you cannot forget all our time together so quickly!