Friday, June 24, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I'm Two!

Well for the love of Elmo. Looks like I blew right past my pledge for quarterly updates — but we're back on track to kick off Q3. I can't believe how much time has passed since my last post, when I was decked in winter gear. And now, here we are, prepping to greet the Summer solstice as we celebrate Father's Day.

And so much has happened... First, as you can see above, I've moved beyond mere dictation and am now actually blogging myself. Other milestones, in no particular order: Meredith Vieria left the Today Show, my (ex)Congressman's weiner became a national spectacle, we caught (and crushed) Osama Bin Laden, Britain's royal family had a renaissance.... oh, and I turned 2! Special thanks to my Auntie Donna, Bube and Zede for the fabulous birthday balloons all the way from Melbourne - via the internets.

To celebrate the occasion, my Bob-pie and Pop-pie came to town. They witnessed the many dimensions of my character: from cute-as-a-button to total pill. I got plenty of love — and scoldings from my Bob-pie. My Grandpa (Pop-pie) is a whole other story. Note to self: If I want anything — ever — go to him. Hello, pushover. I also got to hang out with my cousin Finn on the Kriegel side (photos forthcoming).

Also worth noting: I've learned how to gargle water and spit it out all over everything.

Editor's note: To keep things digestible, I've broken out highlights over the past three months into various sections below.


Another meticulously organized, cleverly branded and highly spirited joint birthday bash, compliments of the June Moms (and Dads). Once again, the best $75 my mom ever spent getting onto a random listserve of knocked-up women in the neighborhood. Whoda thunk it?


I cleared my calendar for a few days in April to make a quick visit to Memphis, where I saw my grandparents and my Auntie Roosie and got a taste of suburban life. Turns out I really dig space and cars. (I'm my father's son.) And I had a blast at a new kids' playground called My Big Backyard, on the beautiful grounds of the Memphis Botanic Gardens. (Shout out to loyal readers Tom and Marcia Collins for telling my grandparents about it.)
My mom says I'm an outdoor dog. On occasion, I capitalize on her urban guilt, which allows me to get away lots of stuff I otherwise wouldn't. Like, say, climbing and stomping on our (wooden) coffee table. With so little space in New York, my mom says she can't say no to everything and she has to pick her battles. Lucky for me table dancing isn't one of them.

(Miscellaneous pix in early spring-wear below. Coats compliments of Egg's $5.00 bin in Dumbo.)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Share, and share alike

Spring was a character-building season for me. I learned how to share some of my most prized possessions, namely, my babysitter Ira. (While readers might resent the term 'possession,' I have no doubt she'd agree that I own her.). Cohen, a fellow June baby, took up residence at my place for several days while his mom was recovering from shoulder surgery. After a brief, rocky start (let's just say our schedules were not in sync), our rhythms grew completely in harmony; our termperments, fantastic complements to one another. From Cohen, I learned the art of sitting quietly and drawing. And from me, he learned how to dance on tables.
It was a beautiful yin-yang kind of relationship. Until I discovered Cohen's hair. Oh, that hair. So thick and lush. Just begging to be pulled. And so I did. A lot. It really got a rise out of him, which made me only want to do it more.

The following week, Cohen enrolled in Little Snowflakes day care. Sometimes we see each other in the park, and I'll do a little wave. I check out his hair and (try to) move on.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bye, Bye Sadie

The final visit was somewhat anti-climactic — rushed, early AM, just before the movers came... It's just as well. I'm not good at long goodbyes. How I miss her.