Saturday, October 17, 2009
Reunited and it feels so good
Sunday, October 11, 2009
4 Months Old!

Fair Readers,
I'm absolutely bamboozled (to use an Aussie colloquialism) that it's been over a month since my last entry. Shame on me. WHERE has the time gone? Actually, I can tell you:
First, two major developments:
1. I finally met my Aussie grandparents! They were here for the past 5 weeks and just left today. Suffice it to say, my Bube and Zede kept me so busy, I had no time to write. We bonded up a storm, and I've got plenty of footage to show for it.
2. My mom went back to work. It's been 5 weeks and counting. So far, so good. She's mangaed to leave by 6:15 (almost) every night and says I'm helping her break some bad workaholic habits. She told me only someone as important as I could help her change her ways. I think my dad's a bit jealous that he couldn't do it on his own, but I reminded him that he doesn't rely on her as the sole food source, and I think that reassured him a bit. (Whatever works...)
3. With mom back at work, this leaves me spending most of my days with my sitter Chana, who rocks. She's takes me on long walks in the park and on playdates with big kids and is just all around super chill and really into me. She even promised to make me homemade babyfood when I start on solids. How cool is that?
4. My Memphis grandparents came for a visit while the Aussies were here so everyone could plotz and kvell together... As you can imagine, my cheeks got quite a workout that weekend.
5. I got my 4-month shots and once again was tough as nails. I also broke up with my pediatrician that day - not for any lack of love. It's just that a new Dr's office opened right around the corner from me. She took it well, but I can see why she'll miss me. Tribeca Pediatrics, here I come.
6. My mom lost her iPhone (so she thought). When she went to replace it and learned she'd have to pay $100 more than last time for the exact same phone, she couldn't stomach it. So, for an extra $200, she fell for the upgrade - with video. As a result, we got a whole lotta video going on (below). Ah and did i mention she found her lost phone? In the bowels of her breast pumping bag. (I keep reminding her that we've gotta start behaving like we're in a recession, nagging her to return the new phone,but she's addicted to the video feature and can't go back.) Anyone wanna buy a 3G?
7. I'm starting to teethe, and it bites. It's been the source of some fitful sleeps and restless nights. I'm drooling like crazy and sucking on everything. We're all ready for this chapter to end, and it's only just begun. Blech.
8. Ending on an up note, after becoming transfixed with one of these on a playdate, I got a badass exersaucer. It's so super-cool, I can't even decide what to play with first - I'm in A.D.D. nirvana. Unbelievably stimulating - kicks the swing's ass. (See photo below)
ANYhoo, I'm really hoping I can get back on - and stay on - the blogging wagon. In the meantime, thanks for your patience as I continue to get just cuter and cuter. Just below, one of my favorite moments with my Zede and Bube. (safe travels back!) And below that, more photos from the past month.