Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mile High Club

Let's face it. Despite all good intentions (see 4 Months Old!), I'm just not getting around to blogging as much as I'd like. Playdates and general near-six-month a.d.d. are keeping me super-busy, so once again, my apologies. The good news is that with such delays, there's always plenty to share. Many debuts this month. Among them, and in no particular order: my first foray into solids, my first Thanksgiving, my first trip to Memphis, and my first flight (Delta #2933, operated by Northwest)

To celebrate, I wore my airplane onesie. My mom was all worried about my ears popping, but I just sucked hard on her boob at takeoff and landing and all was fine. Plus, I met a lovely 4-month old named Sam sitting a row behind me. I understand this is just a warm-up before the grand trip to Australia in March, but, if i may say, I did fantastically well.

My mom had promised to buy the folks sitting next to us some airline cocktails if I acted out. Instead, I charmed the pants off of them, they paid me all kinds of compliments, and I, in turn, saved my mom and dad a few bucks. A win all around.

The only oddity was the unprecedented amount of crap in my diaper mid-flight. My dad had to wipe down the entire bathroom cabin. On both legs. Apparently high altitudes/cabin pressure can do a number on the bowels. Other than that, the travel experience under the new Delta/Northwest merger was far better than I expected.

Hooray, Zoo!

For years, even before I was a glint in my mother's eye, with every trip my mom and dad made to Memphis, my Bobelepie would hock the Memphis Zoo. This time, they finally bit, and we all went - my first zoological experience. Favorites included but are not limited to: elephants, pink flamingos (real, not plastic), polar bears, and, most beloved by far, the Great North American Grandpa.

Southern Debut

As you can tell from my enthusiasm, Memphis was clearly the place to be for Thanksgiving. The fall foliage was at its finest and for five days straight the sky was an amazing, deep blue - nothing like those sultry summer months, I'm told. I hung out with my Bobelepie, Grandpa, Auntie Roosie and Uncle Alex in the same house where my mom grew up. And I met a ton of other people who'd heard a lot about me and were just thrilled to meet me. Even Toby Doggy met me with warm reception, though we mostly kept a respectful distance.

Given the somewhat patronizing talk I'd heard about Southerners from various Yankee urbanites, I was pleasantly surprised by the level of discourse. I was prepared to have to slow down my speech patterns, but everyone understood me just fine. All in all, quite a homecoming.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

5 Months Old! - and sideways

Friends with Benefits

Everything was going really well with Sadie - good ambience, great chemistry - until our moms busted in on us. Mortifying. I really must get a lock on my door.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Halloween in the Slope is like Christmas on steroids. The anticipation is palpable - I've never seen anything quite like it. A whole bunch of giddy parents who clearly haven't gotten out in a while fool themselves into thinking their babes actually care about candy and costumes - as if I know what a Collingwood Magpie is. (For the benefit of my American followers, it's the mascot of my dad's Aussie Rules footy team.) Rumor has it I'll actually care about the Pies one day- but right now all I know is that my parents kept me out. Late. In the rain. So I could march in the Halloween parade. When all I wanted was bed.

Such gross misjudgements, willful or not, deserve hard lessons. So I gave them one - three sleepless nights in a row. That'll teach them to disrespect the sanctity of routine. All that said, there was one redeeming moment of the evening: meeting Borough President Marty Markowitz, Grand Marshall of the Park Slope Halloween Parade. My heart almost skipped a beat. Pictured immediately below, with my (dare i say it?) girlfriend, Sadie (who was a frog).

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Reunited and it feels so good

It's been over a month, but it felt like no time had passed. We picked up right where we left off, Sadie and I... The two of us, catching up over beers (via breast milk). Good times. And, judging from her body language, I'd say I'm getting some pretty good vibes (the yawn not withstanding).

Sunday, October 11, 2009

4 Months Old!

Fair Readers,

I'm absolutely bamboozled (to use an Aussie colloquialism) that it's been over a month since my last entry. Shame on me. WHERE has the time gone? Actually, I can tell you:

First, two major developments:

1. I finally met my Aussie grandparents! They were here for the past 5 weeks and just left today. Suffice it to say, my Bube and Zede kept me so busy, I had no time to write. We bonded up a storm, and I've got plenty of footage to show for it.

2. My mom went back to work. It's been 5 weeks and counting. So far, so good. She's mangaed to leave by 6:15 (almost) every night and says I'm helping her break some bad workaholic habits. She told me only someone as important as I could help her change her ways. I think my dad's a bit jealous that he couldn't do it on his own, but I reminded him that he doesn't rely on her as the sole food source, and I think that reassured him a bit. (Whatever works...)

3. With mom back at work, this leaves me spending most of my days with my sitter Chana, who rocks. She's takes me on long walks in the park and on playdates with big kids and is just all around super chill and really into me. She even promised to make me homemade babyfood when I start on solids. How cool is that?

4. My Memphis grandparents came for a visit while the Aussies were here so everyone could plotz and kvell together... As you can imagine, my cheeks got quite a workout that weekend.

5. I got my 4-month shots and once again was tough as nails. I also broke up with my pediatrician that day - not for any lack of love. It's just that a new Dr's office opened right around the corner from me. She took it well, but I can see why she'll miss me. Tribeca Pediatrics, here I come.

6. My mom lost her iPhone (so she thought). When she went to replace it and learned she'd have to pay $100 more than last time for the exact same phone, she couldn't stomach it. So, for an extra $200, she fell for the upgrade - with video. As a result, we got a whole lotta video going on (below). Ah and did i mention she found her lost phone? In the bowels of her breast pumping bag. (I keep reminding her that we've gotta start behaving like we're in a recession, nagging her to return the new phone,but she's addicted to the video feature and can't go back.) Anyone wanna buy a 3G?

7. I'm starting to teethe, and it bites. It's been the source of some fitful sleeps and restless nights. I'm drooling like crazy and sucking on everything. We're all ready for this chapter to end, and it's only just begun. Blech.

8. Ending on an up note, after becoming transfixed with one of these on a playdate, I got a badass exersaucer. It's so super-cool, I can't even decide what to play with first - I'm in A.D.D. nirvana. Unbelievably stimulating - kicks the swing's ass. (See photo below)

ANYhoo, I'm really hoping I can get back on - and stay on - the blogging wagon. In the meantime, thanks for your patience as I continue to get just cuter and cuter. Just below, one of my favorite moments with my Zede and Bube. (safe travels back!) And below that, more photos from the past month.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

3 Months old!

Just tilt your head for a proper glimpse. (no idea why it keeps posting sideways.)

A Whole New Demographic!

Big stuff is happening. I've busted out of my 0-3 month onesies and started wearing 3-6 month duds (pictured left). It's a a whole new marketing demographic- and I got there even before my 3-month birthday. 25th percentile, my butt.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

General overall cuteness


This thing with Sadie's getting more intense.  It's like we know what the other's thinking. I've never felt this way before... complete comfort and total synergy.  

Friday, August 21, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Eight-Hour Boy!

I did it, I did it! Slept 8-hours straight. My parents have never kissed me so much, so hard.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Really, we're just friends

Sadie and I are pals from way back - like almost 2 weeks ago. Sometimes i wonder whether we could ever be more than friends, but i can't let myself go there right now. It'd be too weird. So i'm just gonna play it cool and see where things go.